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Marvin Knight Retires From TECO

Marvin Knight has worn several hats in the Tampa Bay Area. The Most Eligible Bachelor is still one! However, after more than 36 years with Tampa Electric Company, Marvin has retired!

Well known for his civic activism as well as his business acumen, Marvin is friends with everyone from the Mayor of the city of Tampa to the guy riding the back of the garbage truck.

Born and raised in Tampa, the local politicians know him as a man with his hands on the pulse of the community, so when he calls, they answer. Quiet, humble, hard working, yet serious, and helpful were just a few words used to describe him. So many dignitaries were there to either present a proclamation or just a few good words to send Marvin off in grand style. Marvin is also the owner of the Oriental Fish Market and several properties throughout inner city Tampa.

Well done good & faithful servant

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