The Urban League of Hillsborough County (ULHC) is a practicing nonpartisan organization. It will neither endorse or support any candidate, political party, politically motivated group or PAC. However, the ULHC needs and wants the support of elected officials to attain and support its mission of “Assisting the African American and Minority Communities to attain economic equity.

In an effort to attain the position of each candidate seeking office, the ULHC mailed, emailed and or called each candidate seeking office to serve Hillsborough County constituents a survey. The ULHC did not query any candidate who in the performance
of their elected duties would not sit in Hillsborough County or Tallahassee.
Queried Topics:
Systemic Financial Barriers
Escalating Penalties
Diversity and Inclusion
Exclusionary Gentrification
Funding for Public Schools
Teaching of History in its Entirety
Position on Charter Schools
Position on Community Schools
The role of government in providing/assisting with the attainment of Affordable Housing
Rent Control
Integration of Skill Based Training for all high schools
John Lewis Voting Rights Bill
Mass Transportation
The below listed candidates saw the need to respond:
Damaris Allen
Angela Birdsong
Rep. Fentrice Driscoll
Roshaun Gendrett
Nancy Jacobs
Karen Perez
Rep.Wengay Newton
Dr. Belinda Noah
Jen McDonald
If you would like to see their responses or the questions, please share your request for either to The intention of our share is to assist you in your selection of the candidates who support your desires and position.