Looking for COVID test both Rapid and /or PCR. Go to 1101 E. 139th Ave. Tampa, Fl. 33613
Open Monday thru Friday 9:am-5:pm FEMA offers assistance for families who experienced Covid deaths.
In our daily walk to handle the ever looming Covid disease, we often find ourselves confused with who, what, when, where, how and the why of things associated with COVID. Because of this daily confusion and misinformation that floats into our digital spaces, finding what is right for us and our family can prove to be a challenge. The United States government has provided a website sponsored by the Health and Human Services division to accurately provide information that you can trust and rely on to help with any questions or concerns that you might have. The CombatCovid website will point you in the right direction for anything you desire, including possible treatments for Covid, the Covid Vaccine, clinical trials and resources for healthcare professionals. The website is just one of many that can direct you to accurate information in helping you make factual decisions that could affect your family Go to www.combatcovid.hhs.gov and discover what you really need to know to fight this deadly virus.